
Are you lukewarm or maybe filthy rich?

Check out this message. It is great to hear someone preach a very direct message about how we are living our lives. It is also encouraging to hear him say that if he can't keep the focus then he will need to move on so that he can keep the focus. We need to listen and respond.


Press Release

Convention Pick Will Add 'Wildcard' to Presidential Race!

Lancaster, Pa/ September 17, 2007 - The Constitution Party, thefastest-growing and largest third party based on voter registration(Ballot Access News ) will nominate a presidential candidate at itsNational Convention in Kansas City, MO, April 22-27, 2008.

"There is little appreciable difference between the two parties thatcontrol government. Voters seeking a return to limited, constitutionalgovernment would not have a choice in November if one of the so-called'front runners' receives the Republican nomination. With the exceptionof Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) - who has been ignored by his party -, we have'Tweedle Dee' and 'Tweedle Dum' candidates once again," Clymer added.

A recent Zogby poll (http://zogby.com/news/ReadNews.dbm?ID=1332) showsAmericans are leaning toward third party options.

The selection of Kansas City for the nominating convention was made inlight of the Constitution Party's stated opposition to the proposedNAFTA Superhighway/Railway (http://www.constitutionparty.com/news.php?aid=387) which is planned tostretch from Mexico to Canada through a 'SmartPort' (http://www.kcsmartport.com/ <http://www.kcsmartport.com/> ) based inKansas City. The Kansas City SmartPort website notes: ''Kansas Cityoffers the opportunity for sealed cargo... to travel toMexican...cities... streamlining shipments from Asia to cut ... laborcosts..."

"The United States does not need more cheap imports from China or morelongshoremen out of work", Clymer pointed out.

Among the convention speakers the Constitution Party anticipatesinviting is Party member and New York Times best-selling author JeromeCorsi, Ph.D. Dr. Corsi, who is a frequent speaker at Constitution Partyevents, would likely speak about his latest best-seller The Late, GreatUSA-the Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada. Corsi regularly speaks andwrites about the potentially devastating effects of the NAFTASuperhighway and the push to merge the sovereign nations of NorthAmerica into one.

The Constitution Party convention announcement comes in the wake of thenation's largest Hispanic rights group, La Raza, warning it may cancelits 2009 convention in Kansas City. The cancellation was threatenedbecause a Kansas City park board member belongs to the border-securitygroup The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (http://minutemanhq.com/hq/).
"In keeping with the Constitution Party's stated support for secureborders and the dedicated work of the Minutemen (http://www.constitutionparty.com/news.php?aid=195) to enforce lawsignored by our government, we look forward to choosing a presidentialcandidate in Kansas City", Clymer stated.


Other blog

For those interested, I have another blog here. For now I am posting most stuff to both while I figure out how I want to differentiate them.


Sound of Music

We're watching the movie with the kids piecemeal. We're half way through after two nights. Corwin really loves he songs but he started out wanting to end it before it realy even got started. Angeleah has been pretty good, although tonight she was a little anxious when the governess and the captain had their heated discussion.


Check out the video on this post by a friend.


Amnesty International policy change

Stumbled across this article ( http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2007/october/1.17.html ) and do not like the change. I understand the desire to protect women who have been raped but how come it seems like they never talk about the child's rights. I have to agree with the author regarding the use of health and how we manipulate that to help ourselves out of an undesired result of our actions. I like the fact that PFM is still going to work with AI in prisons since this change does not affect that, and also agree with them making clear where the agree and disagree with their partners policies.


Labor Day Vacation

Went to Minneapolis, MN and Woodruff, WI to visit some of Char's extended family. I've uploaded some pics at http://warephreak.multiply.com/photos/album/1/Labor_Day_2007_-_Minneapolis_MN