
Book Review Update

Enjoying both the fiction and non-fiction sections of each chapter but the meditation sections haven't done much for me yet. Maybe I need to spend more time on them.


Upcoming Book Review

After the emergent conference we had a book release party for a friend. Got a copy under restriction of doing either a review on the blog or passing it on.

Haven't gotten far into it but the mixture of genres within each chapter makes what would be a boring topic an interesting read so far. The fiction side gives you something to relate to. The non-fiction piece helps raising the questions and forcing the thought processes.

It isn't an answer book which is good because it allows God and you to personalize the impact.

Hopefully that makes a good teaser. Will post more as I get further (maybe halfway) in.

Missing Post - Emergent Midwest Conference 2007

I thought I had made a post while at a conference but don't see it now. Anyways had a great time and heard some interesting ideas. The main sessions were all recorded and available at the website, http://www.emergentmidwest.com (See the Audio section).

The Forbidden Fruit

Stumbled across this an thought it of interest to post. Haven't looked into the accuracy of the musings but the conclusion is interesting none the less.


Fortune Cookies

Tonight's was: You are what you do, not what you say.

Yesterday's was something like: You don't realize the affect you have on those around you.