
St Patrick's Day Limerick (late)

I've been busy lately and haven't posted anything. Meant to get this up sooner, but better late than never.

Attended a party and we had a limerick contest. This was what I banged out as my entry.

There was a man from Galilee

whose mission for the world to be

a much better place

meant he had to face

hard trials and die on a tree.

Not quite the normal humorous / silly ones you get.


Ethics and Morality

I have generally been a hard line for absolutism. Recently though, I have been putting my stance to the test and questioning it. Stumbled across this article and wanted to share it in case others are working through this issue.

Here's the second article on this topic from this source. I haven't read this fully and it is getting late. So I will get back to it and finish reading it when I can concentrate better.

Interesting Post

Stumbled across this interesting post while doing some research at work.

So your thoughts, how should the dictionary work?


Moving from Vampires to The Lord

Excerpt is taken from Breakpoint Commentary for Nov 25, 2005, "Out of the Darkness From Postmodernism to Faith":

And now another prominent figure has experienced a similar conversion. After writing twenty-five novels steeped in the occult, Anne Rice has returned to Catholicism, the faith of her childhood, and has promised that she will now "write only for the Lord." She's written a book, Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt, which I have not read, but reviewers say is a faithful account of the one she calls "the ultimate supernatural hero." Anne Rice, writing about Jesus instead of vampires? It's what Newsweek calls a "startling public turnaround"—and that's putting it mildly.

Ok, first things first, I am a little behind in reviewing the email transcripts of the broadcast commentaries.

I still haven't figured out what the postmodern movement is. I had thought it was Christian, but obviously not. So I need to look into this further.

I had not heard about this book or Ms. Rice's changes but am interested in getting a copy and reading it. Has anyone read or heard of it and willing to make some comments?


The Brick Testament

For those of you that liked the image from Aaron, there is more to this at the following site http://www.thebricktestament.com/.


Google Image Answers

First Name: Matthew

Middle Name: Aaron

Last Name: Wyncoop

Age on Next Birthday: 34

Favorite Color: Metallic Magenta

Place you want to live: Cleveland

Place you actually live: Plano

Habit: Locking Doors

Favorite Food: Lasagna

Favorite Animal: Penguin

Religion: Christianity

Dream Job: Professional Game Player



Found this great graphic poster.


End of Church Age?

This is an addition to another post I made elsewhere.

There is an article "Why Home Churches are Filling Up" in the current (or recent) Time magazine that I heard about that relates to this discussion further. I haven't read the article yet, but overheard some discussion on the morning radio program I listen to.